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Wednesday 4th September marked the first day of the revival in the land of ngwaketse, with the servant of God Apostle Jackson Kgopolo. To officiate the beginning of the 3days of the crusade was the honorable councilor of Bagami ward, Mr. Boss Wakwena. Expressing his gratitude for the impact the church has had in the lives of not only his area, but the nation since its inception in 2003, he highlighted the core mandate of the church which is to bring confusion to the kingdom of darkness and bring light to the world. He hailed the revival as a momentous gathering of winning souls into the kingdom of God, bringing about deliverance and restoration to all believers – keeping them in track with the vision, for where there is no vision the people perish.

As alluded to by the book of Psalm 100:4, In jubilance, Bethesda singers led the congregants through melodious songs of praise and worship to the one seated in heaven, thus fulfilling the scripture.

Ascending the pulpit to come and deliver the mind of God upon the believers, Apostle Jackson Kgopolo led the congregants through prayers of gratitude to God for having used those in congregation as a point of contact for their loved ones. He further led them through a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the manifestation of God power upon their lives, which will be signify that they indeed serve a living God.

Quoting the book of Acts1: 5, the Apostle tells the congregants assures the congregants of the baptism of power and the holy ghost that is to come – that will enable them to stand before every mountain before them. He says that being born again does not exempt one from being faced with challenges. But rest assured that Christ has availed something to help you overcome. for He knows on our own, we cannot manage.

He tells the congregants that faithfulness is the key towards maintaining that which God has awarded them– hence they ought to deprive themselves of the things of the world, so they may reach to where God wants them to reach.

The baptism of the power and the holy ghost will surely come, the problem however lays on the unbelief behind things that are yet to come, which in turn makes them lose patience and start questioning as to when it will happen. The man of God says that our duty in this is to press on and continue in prayer. He says that some people are not prayerful yet faithful – in this he encouraged them to continue being faithful, for with such they shall receive their reward from heaven.

“What you are doing now, continue doing it, one day it will work for you.”

Remember patience pays. Though it may not manifest today, tomorrow or the week after, holdfast and question not the master (God), for He said in His word that though we know not the season, we should tarry on. Continue doing good and your blessings will unexpectedly fall upon you.

When you lose something, know that greater is coming. Thank Him for the loss, knowing that He is preparing something greater for you –for it is through showing gratitude in loss that promotion comes

To close off the ministration for the day, the Apostle through the leadership of the one seated in heaven ministered to those in congregation, giving out words of prophecy to expose the root causes of all that had been troubling them. 

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