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What is it that you planted and died without germinating? Take time to reflect in every area of your life to unearth all that.

As a son and daughter of grace, you need to sow a seed that dies to grow back, not one that dies to grow no more.

Holy Ghost is a seed planted so that the next generation will eat its fruits thereof. 

God (the grace) takes what is in your hands and increases, anoints, empowers and releases Himself in it.

“The grace will never work if it finds you with nothing in your hands.”

We see in the Bible where it met the disciples when they were catching fish.

Exodus 4: 19 shows us God commanding Moses to give Him the rod that was in His hand. This the Apostle says this is to show that God cannot do anything in your life or through your life if you do not put any effort of self-dedication, commitment to living righteously, and upholding a life pleasing to Him.

You are a seed that ought to die and come back to life – that is to be born again. Nicodemus asked Jesus ” if you want me to be born again, do you want me to go back into my mother’s womb, and Jesus answered Him that being born again meant him coming out from darkness into light.

If you are a seed, God will take you and own you.

When God owns you, you will be like Abraham in the book of Genesis. He said I will curse those who curse you and bless those who bless you. What you love God will love, what God loves, that you shall love. He will fight and stand for you. Anybody who blesses you blesses him who created you and he who curses you, curses himself.


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