- Sermon By: Apostle Jackson Kgopolo
Thickly charged was the atmosphere with the angels of the Lord ready to pour down showers of liberation upon the hearts of those who are ready, as the man of God ascended the pulpit. Channeling the flock entrusted upon him by the creator of heaven and earth, he led them through a prayer;
“Thank you Jesus – you are my strength in times of trials, you are my strength in times of troubles, you are my strength in times of name calling and persecution. OH father you are my strength. I rely on you, I trust on you, my confidence is in you Oh Lord Jesus. You are the only God I know, you are the only God I trust, you are the only God I have confidence on.”
Begininng his sermon, the man of Gos said that Jesus said unto the Pharisees who believed in Him that if they continue in His word, they shall be His true disciples and the truth shall set them free. This the man of God said to the congregants as he started his sermon titled Circumcise your heart.
Jesus Christ tells us that we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free, but in reality we find the truth being the cause of many hurts. It is not the measure of your fasting, prayer or any act, but your relationship with God that will determine the response of His rescue towards you. Examine your conduct and lifestyle for it is the one that will be the determining factor of the swiftness of Gods response to you when you call unto Him.
“You are not a man who should lie
Son of man who should repent
“Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Ebenezer high and above
Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Ebenezer my helper”
The alters must be exposed. That thing that has been holding you for long, stagnating your progress in all aspects of your life. That has been bringing you to question why things are happening the way they are in your life? There is always something that influences people to do negatively, despite telling themselves they want to do good. Many are struggling with fornication, poverty, adultery, rejection and stagnation regardless of the effort they put in to try deter from such. Many are living lives of promiscuity, but view that just as normal and even turn to hating those who rebuke and call them out for their bad actions. All this, the Apostle says is by reason of the influence from the evil alters, which today must be broken so no more ungodly or negative influence shall overtake the children of God.
Proof texting the book of Galatians 6: 17, the Apostles tells the congregants that when one comes to Christ they have to circumcise their hearts. Circumcision is in the heart. To enlighten the congregants on what circumcision really is, the man of God, Apostle Jackson Kgopolo says that circumcision means trusting in God more than you trust in yourself and what lays around you. The world was formed by things that we see, and what we see is but temporary. Remove all bitterness, anger, jealousy, strive and purify your heart. Be ready for rebuke and correction. Remember no man is an Island, if you want to live a good life, circumcise your heart and be ready for rebuke and correction. What you view as good in your sight is not what is right in the sight of the one next to you.
With the influence of the evil alters, one’s judgement becomes clouded, making it impossible or rather uneasy for them to tell the difference between right and wrong.
Narrowing it down to the issue of unforgiveness, the Apostle say’s that forgiving someone who has offended you does not translate to you doing those people justice, but yourself. Anything evil you wish upon anyone, take that as personal loan.
Letting go of malice, hatred and any form of evil that was done upon you will result in God’s mercies being manifested upon your life – in your defense. Leave your battle to the Lord. Be confident about your relationship with God, relax and let God fight for you.
The mercy of God will speak for you. When God’s mercy is, there lays the favor of God. Where the favor is, there is grace. This three work hand in hand. The mercy speaks, the favor locates and the favor carries you. This however do not just come easily; you work for them by keeping a circumcised heart.
Circumcising your heart is the only way that the devil and all the demons from the alters will have no access no power over your life.
If the mercy, favor and grace of God is with you, your mistakes will never be recorded, but rather be used as a stepping stone towards your breakthrough, bringing greater things upon you. Abraham’s sin brought about wealth upon his life. He lied about his relationship with his wife and God fought for him. He closed the womb of all the wives and commanded the king to not touch Abrahams wife, for she was the wife of an Apostle. And he took all manner of riches and gave them to Abraham for His mercy was with him. Hence the scripture tells us to seek first the kingdom of heaven and the rest shall be added unto us.
For you to know that God is on your side, you will see by the manifestation of His glory and wonderful exploits unto those immediate to you. Once He is done blessing those around you, He will now pour unto your cup.
“No man shall trouble me in the name of Jesus. Though they trouble me, they will never succeed, though they trouble me I will overcome!”
With the mercy and favor of God, your thoughts will always be positive.
Trust and have confidence in your relationship with God, knowing that what He has done for someone, He can also do it for you.