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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


As an expansion to the territorial landmark for the liberation and salvation of God’s people, the land of America was by the right hand of God located by the great grace for a devine encounter with God’s elect, Apostle Jackson Kgopolo. Bringing to you a three days prayer conference at Houston, Texas from the 15th till the 17th November 2024.
Come recive your salavation, deliverance, restoration, prosperity and all of the abundance of blessing from the right hand of God’s power. This is an encounter you aught not to mkiss out of. 
To register, visit or scan the QR code below.

Your package from the heavens awaits you. Register now to be part of this powerful 3days prayer conference. 

Event Details

Start Date : 2024-11-15

End Date : 2024-11-17

Time : 12pm

Event Venue