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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

About Us


Holy Ghost House International Church

A luminary in the spiritual realm, Apostle Jackson Abraham Relebemang Kgopolo stands as the visionary force behind Holy Ghost International Ministries. Born in the year (ADD YEAR HERE), his life unfolds as a captivating narrative shaped by God's purpose. From the humble roots of a poverty-stricken home, Jackson Kgopolo's journey emerges as a testament to divine intervention, orchestrating his ascent to leadership in an international ministry that beckons thousands to witness the palpable presence of God's power.

Beyond the pulpit, Apostle Jackson Kgopolo is a prolific author, weaving the profound threads of gospel wisdom into several books. His ink flows not only on paper but extends to tangible acts of charity, reaching out to the needy with contributions that reflect the heart of his ministry. With a magnetic presence, he has ministered to expansive congregations, leaving an indelible imprint of faith.

Apostle Jackson Kgopolo's impact transcends mere sermons; he is a mentor to thousands, guiding them through life's labyrinth with spiritual insight. In his relentless pursuit of service, he remains a beacon of hope, extending a helping hand to those in need, embodying the living testament of his ministry's ethos.
Study Bible
Embrace the transformative power of scripture; let its words illuminate your path, bringing peace and strength to your journey. Dive into the eternal wisdom today.
Place Of Heaven
Behind the Mmopane Hill
Plot No. 10-97KO

“Pray! And listen to God! You can't do it alone”


Church Pastors