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Position yourself. God cannot come and position you less you are ready. The state of your heart is the one of importance. Words by Apostle Jackson Kgopolo as he unpacked “the Secret of Rightful Positioning” to those in congregation. The Bible tells us that from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  How can you be holy yet speak evil? Note that your presence in the house of God does not guarantee reception, but only the state of your heart does.
The spirit of God cannot come to you less you are ready to give it occupancy of your heart. Not positioning yourself equates to not being ready for change, and without change there is nohow you can change the state of your challenges.

The spirit of God cannot come to you less you are ready to give it the occupancy of your heart. Not positioning yourself equates to not being ready for change, and without change there is nohow you can change the state of your circumstances.

Remeber man can convince but God is the only one that converts. With being properly positioned, one is ready for rebuke, counsel and change. Anybody who is not ready for change in this world is not ready to change their circumstances. Less you are ready for change, forget about changing anything in your life.

The man of God  says that being positioned for God means having your eyes, ears, hands and feet fixed on Him and being ready to answer to His call at any given moment. It takes you taking a step forward, for your environment to change.
The wise are forever ready for correction. Quoting the book of Proverbs 9: 8, the man of God says that a wise person when rebuked takes full accountability.

God is a God of structure. His deeds are all for a purpose, hence a woman was created as a solution to a man. In this, the man of God says that we are created to be a solution to somebody and not to ourselves. God created man for Himself – which signifies a man as a solution to God.

Fuethermre, the man of God says that positioning carries the essence of accomodation and tolerance. Failure to position yourself means you are not ready to change. Not being ready to change will make it uneasy for you to change anything in your life to positivity. Being properly positioned attracts favour upon oneself

“I am blessed my going out and my coming in. Anything I do , anything that I touch shall agree with me because me and my avid are one in Jesus name.”

1. Lord Jesus just as Moses positioned himself to be used by you to part the red sea with the rod, help me to position myself.
2. You spirit of stubbornness that is making me not to change to the will and position that God wants to meet me at, I command you out of ny life in the name of Jesus!
3. Lord let me change now because I want to change my environment.